Programm for English Speakers

“Environning” baby:
Which “village” for a “good enough” development?

International Congress of “psyperinatality” of ARIP
17, 18, 19 november 2022
Palais des Papes, Avignon



At the exceptional price of 35 euros

November, the 17th

10h - 12h30

« Carte blanche » to Ayala Borghini
Coming to life in the heart of the richness of sensory-motor experiences

Tiziana Belluci: directrice de la Fondation Action Innocence autour de la prévention des écrans pendant la toute petite enfance. Lien film YouTube:
Ayala Borghini: Dr en psychologie, Prof Filière psychomotricité, HETS Genève

Estelle Gillioz: doctorante Université de Genève, Faculté de psychologie sur la recherche Bébés et écrans: régulation émotionnelle et multisensorialité
Bernard Martino (et/ou Nicolas Dattilesi) réalisateurs du film: "Les arcanes du vivant" qui présentent les travaux d'André Bullinger autour de la sensorimotricité

The objective of this moment of exchange is to approach, explore and deepen the importance of the meeting between the baby and the physical and human world which surrounds him and this under the angle of the sensorimotor development. How do we come to life at the heart of the physical and sensory encounter with the world? What are the primordial experiences that ground us as living beings? What changes in today's world should make us think or alert us to offer the child the experiences he or she needs from the moment of arrival? These questions will be addressed and debated both through a scientific study conducted in Geneva evaluating the effects of exposure of babies to new technologies and especially through the film "Les arcanes du vivant" tracing the journey of André Bullinger touching the essence of the sensorimotor experience.

13h45 - 18h

Plenary session

François Ansermet
From the neotenic baby to the subject

Acts of language and speech around the fetus and the baby will be addressed as major issues of early, non-anonymous care. From the incompleteness of the human baby to the emergence of the subject: language can be like a form of life necessary to the living, the subject emerging from the living by the operation of language. 

Bruno Falissard
Are we too afraid for our babies? When the best can really be the enemy of the good...

The Winnicottian wink in the title of the ARIP 2022 conference is more relevant than ever. The baby's environment must indeed be "good enough" because in wanting to be "all good" we often risk being "less good".
Nowadays, many adults find themselves in a situation of potentially dysfunctional emotional dissonance. Increasingly guilty and anxious about the lives of the newest generations, they over-invest in caring behaviors towards these very young children. But on closer inspection, this does not work so well and we find the meaning of the well-known adage: "the best is the enemy of the good".
In a context where the village is not doing well, what choices should be made to ensure that baby's development is "good enough"? We will try to think about this together.

Adrien Meguerditchian
The origins of language and hand preferences: what do our primate cousins tell us?

I am interested in the properties of our primate cousins' modes ofcommunication, and of gestural signals in particular, and their links with certain properties of human language. In particular, I am interested in the implications of gesture in the evolution of language, its cerebral hemispheric specialization and the predominance of right-handedness. Primates use their hands not only to manipulate objects but also to communicate. Over the last 15 years, using a combination of ethological, developmental and non-invasive brain imaging (MRI, fNIRS) approaches, we have conducted research on gestural communication, object manipulation and manual preferences in nonhuman primates. Our work and the latest studies on manual and gestural behaviors in adult monkeys but also in developing infants will be presented as well as recent data in anatomical MRI brain imaging. These data in ethology, comparative psychology and neuroscience could have implications on the gestural origins of language but also on the predominance of right-handedness in the human species.

Natacha Dugnat-Collomb
Achuar, baboons and other mushrooms. What is an environment?

For as long as their discipline has existed, anthropologists have struggled with the notions of nature and culture, their opposition, their articulation, or the need to contextualize and overcome them (they might be the products of a cosmology specific to the West). Philippe Descola, Tim Ingold and Anna Tsing, among others, show that a revolution of points of view is possible, starting from the perspectives of other existing and forms of life. The environment is thus redefined. I will try to invite to a circulation at the same time astonishing and surprising in the meanders of the proposals of these three authors.

Björn Salomonsson
Psychoanalytic Supervision of Midwives and Childcare Workers

I often think that midwives and nursery nurses are the most important professionals in psychiatry. The reason is that they are the first line of detection of perinatal distress in parents and infants when they do check-ups in the maternity ward or PMI. What can be done to increase the capacity of midwives and nursery nurses to discern perinatal distress, and also to discuss it with parents? I will present a model of psychoanalytical supervision given to these professionals.

Catherine Dolto
Voluntary interruption of fantasies

 With this title borrowed from Michel Soulé, I will develop a reflection on the question of the trivialization of the revelation of the child's sex before birth. This possibility is an important technical progress, which in certain cases can be extremely useful, but can cause many problems of which the parents are not aware. After nearly 40 years of practice in haptonomic support before and after birth, my clinical experience as a child and adult therapist has led me to question the relevance and legitimacy of this revelation, which seems to have become a "right" that is presented as a matter of course.
What are the effects, in the moment as well as in the long term, for the child? For the couple? For each parent? 

Olivier Toma

Eco-design of care and THQSE® approach in service of our maternity units

Eco-designing a treatment means controlling the ecological, energy, toxicological and social footprint of a treatment.

Eco-designing a treatment means first of all knowing precisely all the resources used for its realization, identifying the environmental and health impacts it generates. It means analyzing all the alternatives and imagining, at each stage, the prevention to be implemented, to avoid the disease, by all the possible actions of health promotion.

November, the 18th

9h00 - 11h

Families, a user guide?

Families in context

Chantal Zaouche Gaudron

To consider the development of a child is of course to focus our reflection on parenthood, on plural parenthoods, on the way in which the parent(s) can meet - or not - his or her basic needs and make him or her secure. However, the contextual approach allows us to emphasize the fundamental importance of the conditions in which parents live and children grow up. In other words, if a child develops well in the eyes of the parent or parents who take care of him or her and assume responsibility for him or her: "The self, in front of others, is infinitely responsible" as Emmanuel Lévinas (1982) says, this parental responsibility must be combined with a state responsibility with strong, voluntary and adequate public policies.

Ectogestation an "ideal" environment for the baby?
René Frydman

Aldoux Huxley wrote in 1932 The Brave New World, which calls us to question a society where childbirth would take place outside the female body. JBS Haldane, in 1923, called this in vitro gestation ectogenesis. Where are we scientifically, a century later? About thirty teams in the world are working on it in animals for the time being: from the bioprinting of a uterine organ to the biobag filled with artificial amniotic fluid for premature babies born below the current viability threshold. These researches are about "how to do?" when it is rather the "why to do?" that should be addressed.

Assisted reproduction techniques are (also) parenting techniques
Jérôme Courduriès

The way in which the public debate on assisted human reproduction techniques is organized often leads to a reduction of the perspective to their medical dimension. This reduction is also favored by the orientation of research in this field towards the human and social sciences. This is right, of course. These techniques involve biomedical knowledge and are based on therapeutic or palliative medical techniques. In this respect, they imply that the point of view of physicians, biologists and bioethicists be taken into account in the legal, ethical and political debate. However, these assisted reproduction techniques are also kinship techniques, that is to say that they result not only in giving a child to parents but also in modifying the place of each person in the kinship group. This is relatively explicit in the civil code, since the implementation of assisted reproduction with third-party donors implies the need to implement specific legal techniques to establish links of filiation between the children born from it and their parents and, beyond that, their parents. This is also shown by the research carried out with families thus constituted, whether they are parents, their children, ascendants or collaterals.

Incest: the dark side of the family
Irène Théry

My paper will focus on the dark side of the family: intrafamilial sexual violence, and how the sociological and historical approach, if it takes support from a "distant view" allows to show that the #MeToo movement is part of a global recomposition of the norms of the sexual permit and prohibition, in other words of the "sexual civility", started since the 1970's, and of which it constitutes a new stage.

Two topics will be addressed. The transition from the principle of statutory sexual consent of the wife (which persisted in law until 1990) to the contemporary redefinition of marital rape as one of the most serious, particularly in the context of violence by the spouse or ex-spouse, which can lead to feminicide. The passage from silence on pedocriminality and incest to the awareness of the major issues of age and generation in sexual violence. On this point, I will show why, in incest by ascendant, rape is much more than an attack on the integrity of the person, it is a deadly attack on the transmission of language, by taking advantage of the key notion of "master of meanings" borrowed from the philosopher and psychoanalyst Cornelius Castoriadis.  

11h45 - 12h30
Boris Cyrulnik, neuropsychiatre et auteur
The three ecological niches of the preverbal baby

14h – 15h00
Le bébé, sujet du groupe

The baby, subject of the group
Alberto Konicheckis et Marthe Barraco

The life of a newborn begins in a group. This group can be effectively present and it is a whole family which welcomes it with ancestors who try to return.
The presence of the baby in plurisubjective groups allows us to explore the early modalities of psychic life which are manifested in particular by sensorialities and rhythms, by the first forms of imitation and identification, by the affective contagion and the drive to interrelate, by the transgenerational negatives and narcissistic filiations, by the illusions and sensations of omnipotence, etc.
Understanding the processes that allow the psyche to blossom: thought and subjectivity, remains an important research. The family and group approach revisits the main concepts and formulates hypotheses as well as therapeutic proposals when these processes are suffering.
The family environment of the beginnings experiences a crisis when a baby is born. Far from being ideal, this environment carries the ghosts of previous generations. It can be full of guilt, mistakes and violence, expectations and projections, epic episodes and more pitiful ones.
In order to inscribe the baby in filiation and transmission, this environment imposes transgenerational mandates, narcissistic contracts, unconscious alliances. Certain symptoms of very young children express the opposition to the constraints which result from their links to the collective.
Family psychoanalysis and the different therapeutic devices at the perinatal time allow to bring care to the whole family group. They make it possible for the new parents and their babies to create a new family that is detoxified and free of these deleterious effects.

15h – 18h00
Babies: thinking and healing

Verbal and non-verbal communication in mother-infant psychotherapy
Björn Salomonsonn 

As part of a research project, I made video recordings of mother-infant therapies. In one of the sessions, I react physically after the mother refers to her baby's diaper change as "rape." I would like to show the video and discuss how the mother, the girl, and myself reacted.

Keeping in touch: the challenges of the modern world with or without a pandemic
Régine Prat

Since the beginning of life, the other is part of the human experience and of the construction of the subject's identity.
We can see the originary in a double sense:
- An originary of the species, where, based on the work of prehistorians and ethnologists, we can hypothesize a mode of social communication carried by music and thus dance, whose purpose is to reassure oneself, to diminish and control anxiety, by reinforcing the links within the group.
-An origin of the individual, where the narrative quality is carried by the variations of the rhythmic microstructure of the mother-baby exchanges which carry out an interaction where each one leaves a place to the other to intervene.
The taking into account of the data of embryological observation shows us that the first operational sensation is the touch, at 8 weeks of embryological development, and that the skin is set up like first organ of the senses.  From prenatal life, there is an organized search for contact through exploratory activities concerning rhythm and territory.
These discoveries lead to the necessity of metapsychological revisions: the first nature of the impulse can no longer be considered as sexual but must be recognized as a push to touch. A TACT-PULSION constituting a memory of primitive form is in position of central actor for all the psychic life and organizer for the development.
This in turn will have consequences on the pace of treatment and the objective of care. When the first contact with the other could not be established in the first moments of life after birth, by continuing the original rhythmic game of "held-released" initiated in prenatal life, when it was too intrusive or too loose, psychic development remains fallow: the despair of not being able to "be" in contact, is exasperated by "getting in" to "get in contact", in concrete terms.

For a model of the impact of fetal life on early aerial life
René Roussillon

The prevailing mode of satisfaction of the needs of the fetus is carried out on the relatively perfect model of the biological regulation. The memory traces of these early experiences configure the infant's expectations when air life arrives. The task of the maternal environment is to try to propose to the newborn a relational mode sufficiently close to what it has lived and recorded in fetal life so that it can carry out the "work" necessary to perfect its experiences and thus ensure the continuity of the mode of satisfaction known during fetal life. My reflection will relate initially to the particularities of the mode of fetal satisfaction then to those of the air life and the adaptation of the first human environment and on the effects of the possible failures of this one. 


November the 19th

9h - 12h30

Measuring the distress of babies?

Understanding babies: Translating early childhood research into practice

Mette Skovgaard Vaever

The early years and especially the young child’s socio-emotional development during the first 1000 days lay the foundations for lifelong mental health and wellbeing. How do we get thatmessage out? How do we support parents and professional caregivers in supporting and promoting early childhood mental health and development?
In the Centre for Early Intervention and Family Studies at University of Copenhagen, we aim to promote early childhood (0-6 years), mental health, parental skills and qualifications of
frontline staff in a variety of applied research studies. In her talk Dr Væver will present results from the Copenhagen Infant Mental Health Project (CIMHP) where the Alarm Distress Baby Scale (ADBB) has been implemented in the health visitors’ practice in primary
care. The ADBB is used for identifying persistent social withdrawal in infants aged 2-24 months, as an indicator of emotional distress in infants and young children. In Denmark ADBB is now implemented in 79 out of the 98 municipalities. During ADBB trainings, health visitors expressed a need for additional training to further develop their language and vocabulary so they could better describe and share knowledge about the infant’s socioemotional cues and needs to families during the ADBB observations. This led to the development of the Understanding Your Baby program, a step two to the ADBB, this Dr Væver will also shortly introduce.

Physical pain, psychological pain in babies: manifestations and measures
Miri Keren

Somatic pain and psychological distress manifest themselves through similar behaviors and activate the same brain structures. Measuring a baby's somatic pain, like measuring psychic pain, cannot be done without the help of a third party, either a parent or a caregiver, given the baby's inability to put words to the pain. Measuring the baby's distress therefore involves reading non-verbal signs and then quantifying them. Distress is expressed by symptoms, which in turn often increase the distress of those around them. We propose the use of the criteria for categorizing symptoms defined by the DC 0-5 according to the dysfunction they create, as well as the multiaxial formulation of the baby's clinical condition, including the type of parent-baby relationship. We will conclude with an illustrative clinical vignette.

Approaching a baby's distress, a clinician's perspective
Eve Lumbroso

It constitutes a real challenge to measure a baby's distress and to respond to it in care, since the role of the environment, the potentialities of the parent-baby bond and the dispositions of our caregiving posture are the necessary conditions for overcoming it. I propose a personal reflection based on a clinical situation to try to unfold the complexity of this question.

14h - 16h00

The French Iliad of the "first 1000 days" and the odyssey of "The Odyssey of the first 1000 days"
animated by Neijma Lechevallier with

Jean-Christophe Combe (sous réserve) (15 mn)
Pierre-Yves Manchon 
(15 mn)
François Edouard 
(15 mn)

L’Odyssée des 1000 premiers jours
Maya Gratier (15 mn)
Valeria Lumbroso 
(15 mn)
Umberto Simeoni 
(15 mn)

In this symposium, the actions of the "First 1000 Days" will be discussed as well as the book The Odyssey of the First 1000 Days.
The Odyssey of the First 1000 Days tells the story of the period from pregnancy to the end of the second year in a dynamic and multifaceted way. We decided to write this book to help parents of today and tomorrow get to know their baby and better accompany him or her in the dazzling adventure of the first 1000 days. It invites them to get to know their baby better in order to discover, in complicity with him, everything he already knows and what he learns at each major stage. This book is not only for parents, it is for professionals in direct contact with families and all those who want to understand how a human being is built in the light of recent scientific studies.
From the moment of birth, the newborn enters into a relationship with us, let him enchant us with his power of communication because he has things to tell us. The affection, interest and liveliness that are expressed in his looks, his smiles and the way he comes to look for us, creates a reciprocal motivation to exchange. With our support and encouragement, he will be bold enough to make his own discoveries.
A large number of photos taken on the spot and short films shot in about thirty families in the Marseille area support and complete the story with concrete examples. 
To produce these photos and videos, Valeria Lumbroso benefited from the advice of Maya Gratier (co-author of the book), the midwife Émilie Clady who participated in the choice of families, as well as the contribution of Drina Candilis, clinical psychologist, Emmanuel Devouche, teacher-researcher in developmental psychology at Paris Descartes, Michel Dugnat, child psychiatrist at Montfavet Hospital, and Nicolas Falaise, pediatrician in Marseille, and several pediatricians at APHM: Valérie Bernard, Laurence Fayol and Patricia Garcia.
The 40 videos of 3 to 5 minutes are accessible by scanning QR codes. They were produced by Bernard Choquet and Créalis Medias, with the participation of the ARS Paca, in co-production with the Association pour l'(in)formation en périnatalité or the Réseau Périnatalité Méditerranée. Each video was filmed with a baby and its parents or sometimes at the nursery. They deal with themes such as birth, the beginning of breastfeeding in the maternity hospital, the return home and the care of the newborn, the first parent-baby bonds, preverbal conversations and the emergence of language, humor and jokes, motor skills and play, nursery rhymes and cultural awakening, relationships between children... Themes that can be found in the various chapters of the book
Maya Gratier is a professor of developmental psychology at the University of Paris Nanterre, deputy director of the Ethology, Cognition and Development Laboratory and head of the Babylab at her university. Her research focuses on communication between children and their parents during the first two years. In particular, she studies the natural musicality of babies. She was a member of the 1000 Days Commission set up by the government in 2019 to report on current knowledge about this period of life.

Valeria Lumbroso is an author and director of documentaries broadcast by Arte and France Télévisions. After several films and documentary series on theater, literature and science, she was inspired by developmental psychology to direct several films at the level of children and write books for parents and professionals. Her filming and photography are based on meeting families and observing parent-baby interactions.
Umberto Simeoni is a professor of pediatrics at the University of Lausanne and head of the pediatrics department at the CHU-Vaudois, in Switzerland. He is also responsible for the DOHaD Lab where he conducts research on the biological mechanisms underlying the concept of the first 1000 days. In particular, he studies the effects of the encounter between the individual and his environment, which is the basis of the great diversity of human beings. His efforts are also focused on health promotion and prevention centered on the beginning of life.

16h30 - 17h30

Closing round table of the conference
with Michel Dugnat , Natacha Dugnat-Collomb, and many others

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